Friday, August 13, 2010


Think back to the day we played with frisbees outside. Is it important that you throw the frisbee before someone else tries to catch it? We did this activity so you can learn that everything has order, even throwing a frisbee.

In Math we have an order to working Math problems. This order is called the Order of Operations. First, we complete anything inside the parenthesis. Second, we work out any exponents. Third, we do any multiplication or division. Fourth, we do any addition or subtraction. If we work it out this way, we all should get the same answer.

Tell me the order to throwing a frisbee. Then, tell me the order of working out the following problem: 28 + 12 - 3 x 2

This homework will have 2 parts. The first part is 2-3 sentences explaining how to throw a frisbee. The second part will be 2-3 sentences explaining how to work out 28 +12 - 3 x 2. Remember, you have to use the order of operations!

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