Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Progress Reports and Chapter 5 Test

  • Our Chapter 5 Test will be on Thursday for 2nd period and Friday for 4th, 5th, and 6th periods. The test will cover sections 1-8.  We will cover Chapter 5 Section 9 after the Thanksgiving Holidays and will not cover Chapter 5 Section 10 at all.
  • Progress Reports will be sent home on Wednesday, November 17, 2010. 
Our Study Guide will be HW32 p. 259 #1, 4-10, 14-18, 20.  HW32 will be due on Friday, November 19, 2010.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Report Cards, Chapter 4 Test, 2nd Nine Weeks

  • Report Cards were sent home October 22, 2010.
  • The Chapter 4 Test will be Thursday, October 28, 2010.  The Study Guide is HW26 and is due Wednesday. 
  • Grades for the second nine weeks' homework assignments are now in STI Home. (I am still working on fourth periods grades.)
HW25 (2nd, 5th, 6th Periods- was taken up Friday, Oct 22, 2010)
p. 163 Practice Quiz 1 #1-5, 7-10

HW26 (Chapter 4 Study Guide- will be taken up Wednesday, Oct 27)
p. 183 #24, 31
p. 178 #21-28
p. 167 #19, 34
p. 162 #19-23, 31
p. 156 #37
p. 151 #25, 36-39

Thursday, October 14, 2010

2nd Nine Weeks

We started the new nine weeks on Tuesday! Be sure to keep your homework up-to-date and organized!

So far this week...
Tuesday we covered Chapter 4 Section 1. Click here for the notes from this section. Here is a quiz on Section 1.
Thursday we covered Chapter 4 Section 2. Click here for the notes from this section. Here is a quiz on Section 2.

The homework/classwork assignments we have done so far this week are HW22 Ch 4 Vocabulary on p. 191. The definitions should come from the back of the book. Also, we did HW23. HW23 is p. 730 Lesson 4-1 #1-7 (with explanation) and #13-17. These assignments are due Monday. (You can access your textbook online.  The directions are below in the post with the syllabus in it.)

The key concepts we have covered this week are: divisibility rules, identifying monomials, writing numbers using exponents, and solving problems with exponents.

Report cards will be sent home by October 22. Math grades are up-to-date in STI Home! This should be the grade on your report card.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Quiz on Thursday, August 19th

HW1, HW2, and HW3 will be due Thursday. Also, we will have a quiz on Chapter 1 Sections 1 and 2 on Thursday.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Think back to the day we played with frisbees outside. Is it important that you throw the frisbee before someone else tries to catch it? We did this activity so you can learn that everything has order, even throwing a frisbee.

In Math we have an order to working Math problems. This order is called the Order of Operations. First, we complete anything inside the parenthesis. Second, we work out any exponents. Third, we do any multiplication or division. Fourth, we do any addition or subtraction. If we work it out this way, we all should get the same answer.

Tell me the order to throwing a frisbee. Then, tell me the order of working out the following problem: 28 + 12 - 3 x 2

This homework will have 2 parts. The first part is 2-3 sentences explaining how to throw a frisbee. The second part will be 2-3 sentences explaining how to work out 28 +12 - 3 x 2. Remember, you have to use the order of operations!


Starting on page 9 Write all the Study Tips in the margins of Chapter 9. There are 9 Study Tips. Also, write all the Reading Math words starting on page 6. There are 4 total Reading Math words in the column of your book in Chapter 1. Do the Study Tips and then do the Reading Math words. Make sure you number them. If you have any questions let me know!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Syllabus for 2010-2011 Pre-Algebra, HW1

8th Grade Math Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Courington
Room: B8
Google Voice Mail: 205-508-0064
Email: acourington@blountboe.net

Welcome to 8th Grade Math at Locust Fork High! I anticipate a fun-filled and exciting year of learning. I look forward to working with you and your family. I want you to have a successful year in Math so you can continue to succeed in all aspects of education! Please read every item in this syllabus and share it with your family. Both you and your parent/guardian need to sign the bottom and return it to school to be placed in the front of your math notebook. This is homework assignment #1 (HW1).

Class Description
This course reviews some previously learned material. However, I am excited to teach you new concepts that you have not seen before! A large portion of the material taught this year will be tested on the Alabama High School Graduation Exam. It also provides a good foundation for Algebra, Geometry, and other courses you will take in the next four years!

Approximate Scope and Sequence
First Nine Weeks: Chapters 1 through Chapter 4 Section 4
Second Nine Weeks: Chapters 4 Section 5 through Chapter 6
Third Nine Weeks: Chapter 7 through Chapter 9
Fourth Nine Weeks: Chapter 10 through Chapter 12

Student Expectations
Each day students are expected to have their own
·Writing Utensil that works (blue/black pen or wooden pencil- No mechanical pencils allowed.)
·Math Notebook (Must be a separate notebook with no other subjects in it)
·Textbook (Their assigned book)

Classroom Rules
·Be respectful
·Be responsible
·Be resourceful

Grading Policy
100 – 90 A
89 – 80 B
79 – 70 C
69 – 60 D
59 and under F

Class Grading Weight
30 % Homework/Classwork
50 % Test/Quizzes
20 % Notebook

Homework: Students will be assigned homework problems for reinforcement of mathematical topics being discussed. Homework should have your name, date, page number from the textbook, and the problems being assigned. It must also have the homework number written in the bottom right hand corner. Example: HW1 is your Syllabus. So, your syllabus will have HW1 written in the bottom right hand corner. There will be a master list displayed in my classroom with the date and assignment on it. Work must be shown on your homework/classwork. Failure to show work will result in a zero. Homework assignments are generally worth 20 points. Late homework will not be accepted if you were present the day the work was turned in.

Test/Quizzes: Quizzes will be given to break up long chapters with difficult topics. Tests will be given after each chapter is completed. Work must be shown and completed on all quizzes and tests.

Grade Reporting: Grades are available online for student and parent viewing. The school provides midterm reports in the middle of each grading period. Also, report cards are issued at the end of each nine weeks (4 times per year).

Classroom Behavior: Respect for everyone in the classroom and their property should be maintained at all times. Behavior that distracts you or others from learning is not acceptable. Students should be in assigned seats unless otherwise instructed. Students will not be permitted to go to their lockers or the restroom during class except for extreme cases.
There is a desk in the back of the room with tissue, GermX, and pencil sharpeners. You may get up to use these items at any time without asking if we are working on homework/classwork. Please, do not get up for any reason during a test without permission.

Notebook Grade: At the end of each nine weeks, I will choose five random homework assignments (from that nine weeks) and ask you to turn them in. This will count as your notebook grade. If you are absent during the notebook check, you must turn in your entire notebook (each missing assignment will be deducted an allotted amount of points). Helpful Tip: If you did not receive credit for a homework assignment, you may still complete the assignment to get notebook credit!

Absences & Tardies: Regular attendance at school is extremely important! Please do what you can to be at school every day. Any missed work because of an excused absence will have three days after your return to school to be turned in. Work should be turned into the filing box beside my desk in the appropriate period’s folder. Be sure to get your missed assignments the day you return to school from the master list in my classroom or ask a friend. If you miss a test, it is your responsibility to make sure you set up a time to take the test. After three days of not setting up a time to take your test, you will be given a zero. You will receive zeros for all work assigned or taken up on the day of an unexcused absence. After three tardies to my class you will be given detention before school. If the problem persists other disciplinary actions will be taken.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will occasionally be possible for the entire class. However, I do not provide extra credit opportunities to individual students.

Textbooks: A math textbook will be assigned to each student for the school year. The books should be brought to class each day. If someone borrows your textbook and damages it, you are responsible for paying the damage fee! Do not loan out your textbook.

Calculators: Calculators will be available for use in the classroom when deemed appropriate. Please, do not bring your own personal calculator.

First Offense: Warning/Student Conference
Second Offense: Writing Assignment/Disciple Page
Third Offense: Contact Parent/Guardian and Additional Discipline Assignment/Silent Lunch and/or Break
Fourth Offense: Detention, Contact Parent/Guardian, and Discipline Assignment/Silent Lunch and/or Break
Fifth Offense: Administrative Intervention/Office Visit

All behavior/discipline incidences are documented by Mrs. Courington and initialed by the student in a notebook.

Mrs. Courington’s Office Hours
My prep period is from 7:57-8:47. I am available for meetings before school, during my prep period, or after school. Please contact me if you’d like to meet so I can make our appointment a priority. My email is acourington@blountboe.net

Mrs. Courington’s Website/Blog
I will try to update my website/blog each day with your homework assignments. However, please do not rely on this as your way of remembering your homework or assignment. The web address is http://couringtonclassroom.blogspot.com

Extra Help (At home practice)
The textbook is available online at http://al.pre-alg.com

Click on the red link with the textbook next to it (the link says Online Student Edition). To access the online textbook you will need a user name and password. The user name is PREALG05AL . The password is 5af8kase . To select a certain page in your textbook use the Page Navigator. Then, click on the page you’d like to access. You may want to write this information down at home incase you leave your book at school one day. There are also quizzes, extra notes, and worksheets available on this website. This website goes directly with your textbook and is a great resource!

Parenting Day
On October 11, 2010, the school will be open from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM for parent meetings. I hope you will make plans to come!

Semester Exams
At the end of each semester, Semester Exams will be given over a three-day period. My exam will cover items that you have seen all year. Make sure you keep up with your notebook from each nine weeks to help you study. A study guide will be given to help you review the material.

Supply List
Paper, Wooden Pencil or Blue/Black Pen, Hand Pencil Sharpener (that catches the shavings), Notebook/Folder (If you purchase folders, please purchase an extra folder as they fall apart more easily than binders. No spiral bound notebooks or bulky binders with zippers please.)

Wish List (I would LOVE any of these items. Off brand or opened box is wonderful!)
Hand Sanitizer, Band-Aids (without medication), Roll of Paper Towels, Ziplock Bags (any size or brand), Garbage Bags (for kitchen size garbage can), Tissue/Roll of Toilet Paper, Hand Held Pencil Sharpener (that catches the shavings)

We have read and discussed the syllabus.

Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________

Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Date __________